War Memorials Trust

Step 6: Post grant action

Once the project is completed there are a number of things you can do to protect the memorial for future generations.



Make sure there is a record of the memorial and that this is up-to-date on



Create a maintenance plan for the memorial.This should include the major routine maintenance works the memorial needs and when this should be done. This will ensure that basic works such as re-pointing are routinely undertaken to keep the memorial in the best possible condition. WMT has guidance on the maintenance of memorials.



If the memorial is freestanding and is not statutorily listed then you should apply for the memorial to be listed. There is no specific legal protection for war memorials so statutory listing is one of the best ways of protecting memorials as any alterations, relocation or even demolition will require Listed Building Consent. WMT has guidance on listing war memorials.



Make sure any information you uncovered during your project, such as historic information, is recorded by you as the custodian to hold, and share it locally, for example with your local Historic Environment Record. This will mean that the work does not need to be re-done again and the information can inform future projects and any study of the memorial undertaken by historians, the local community or schools.


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