War Memorials Trust

Contact Us

Please ensure you read the following to ensure your enquiry provides all the information we need to respond. All enquiries are dealt with in-line with our Privacy Policy which outlines how we will process your data after you contact us.

You can use War Memorials Online, email or telephone to contact us. Please read the advice below regarding our telephone hours and email size restrictions. We are a small team, with a number of part-time staff, so please be patient if we do not reply immediately. As a small charity we rely on donations, please do consider how you can get involved to support our work and help us achieve our objectives.

The London office is not designed for drop-in callers and we cannot host meetings. Anyone seeking to arrange a meeting should contact us in advance to discuss this not least as we have hybrid working arrangements so are not always in the office.

War memorial enquiries

If you have an enquiry about a war memorial issue or grant funding, it will be our Conservation Team that provides advice. To help us help you, we need

  • as much information as you can provide on the location, type, and material of the memorial
  • you to explain your issue clearly and tell us what help you are looking for
  • good quality, current, colour photographs of the war memorial

If you contact us by email or post we will aim to provide a response within 6 weeks but cannot guarantee any timeframes. We may be able to provide you with advice more quickly if you use War Memorials Online. If you are making an enquiry about a war memorial you can use the Report a concern or Condition Update on the specific war memorial record. You can upload good quality, current, colour photographs directly to the website which will help us deal with your enquiry more quickly as information will not need to be processed.

Please be aware the Trust is a conservation charity which provides grants. Our focus is on the condition of war memorials. We only operate in the UK, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

Many of the answers to questions the charity is contacted about can be found on the website. Please check this first:

To contact the Conservation Team:

  • conservation@warmemorials.org – for technical advice or general enquiries. Please note if you are sending emails with photographs attached the charity cannot receive emails larger than 8MB in size so you may need to send multiple emails
  • grants@warmemorials.org – for grant related enquiries, see email size note above
  • 020 7233 7356 - normally Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm
  • 70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ

Membership/Supporter/Events/Fundraising/Other enquiries

If you have an enquiry about a non-war memorial matter, you will need to contact the Charity Team:

  • info@warmemorials.org, see email size note above
  • 020 7834 0200 or 0300 123 0764 - normally Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm
  • 70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ

Press enquiries

Please visit the press section of the website.  


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