War Memorials Trust


War Memorials Trust publishes Bulletin full of fascinating stories and articles about war memorials and the Trust. It features grant awards, war memorial news and activities.

Trust members recieve the Bulletin quarterly with other supporters receiving it annually in November.

Bulletin packaging and sustainability

In light of increasing environmental concerns, and after enquiries from members, we can confirm that the Bulletin will, from May 2019, be distributed in plastic wrapping which can be recycled. To find your nearest recycling point for plastic film and carrier bags visit Recylcenow.

The charity has considered other options but lack of recycling facilities in some areas, limited printers able to provide such services or prohibitive costs mean these have not been implemented. We do add each issue of the Bulletin to the website on our Back issues page for those who would prefer not to receive a hard copy. 

As our tri-annual Supporter Survey shows that over 70% of supporters are uninterested in receiving the Bulletin electronically the expense of investing in, and setting up, an electronic system for a relatively small number of people (the Trust has around 2,500 members) is currently beyond the Trust's means to justify. In addition, a significant amount of the charity's income comes from responses to the Bulletin e.g. merchandise orders or donations. It is well-documented that donations can fall significantly with electronic communications when compared to hard copy so this is important for the charity to consider. 

We do keep this situation under review and, with another Supporter Survey due in 2020, we will assess any increased preference for electronic communication which could justify making changes.   


Bulletin submission guidelines

War Memorials Trust welcomes submissions for inclusion in the Bulletin. Submissions should be relevant to the work and mission of the Trust and reflect the scope of Bulletin. For more information please see the Bulletin submission guidelines.

If you would like a piece considered for a specific Bulletin then the following are guidance dates for submission. However there is no guarantee anything submitted can or will be included in a specific issue.

  • Winter - Published February, deadline end of December
  • Spring - Published May, deadline end of March
  • Summer - Published August, deadline end of June
  • Autumn - Published November, deadline end of September

Back copies

Further information on obtaining back copies is available


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