War Memorials Trust has speakers available to give talks to interested groups and organisations. Our availability will depend on the location of the event, day and time but please drop us a line and we will see if one of our staff could attend.
The Trust speakers are available to give talks of varying time lengths on the following topics:
- an introduction to War Memorials Trust and our work
- an introduction to War Memorials Trust and war memorials - including their history, variety of types and reoccurring themes
- an introduction to the conservation principles of War Memorials Trust
Other Trust related topics can also be covered in more detail if necessary, such as applying for our grant schemes or recording the condition of war memorials.
The Trust does not charge for speakers. However, a donation towards the work of the charity is greatly appreciated.
How to book a speaker
Please note that it is unlikely that the Trust will be able to organise a speaker with less than two weeks notice or more than a year in advance.
If you would like to book a Trust speaker for your group or organisation, then please contact us.
It is useful if you can provide the following information:
- the date of the event (or dates if this is flexible);
- the time of the event;
- the location of the event;
- how long you would like a speaker to talk for and whether this includes time for questions;
- what topics you would like a speaker to cover;
- how many people are expected at the event (so that the Trust speaker can bring a sufficient quantity of Trust information leaflets and Bulletin magazines);
- if there are facilities for a PowerPoint presentation (i.e. a laptop, a projector and a screen/blank wall) or a slide presentation (i.e. a slide projector and a screen/blank wall) - in some cases the Trust speaker may be able to provide their own equipment but not in all cases.