Jargon and definitions
This page is designed to explain some of the terminology you may come across while working with war memorials. Often there may be terms which are not immediately familiar so we have tried to put together a list of definitions to assist you.
A new element not attached to original memorial, e.g. a new construction adjacent to memorial or within memorial area boundary.
Change to an element already present, e.g. inscriptions, plaques.
Approximate order of cost for the works
A new element attached to original memorial, e.g. new plaque, new block of stone, new step, new railings, new part of a wall.
Like-for-like replacement
An element or repair which is of the same material and design as the original.
Historic evidence
Visual and written evidence that describes memorial’s appearance and materials through time. E.g. newspaper reports, photos, illustrations. Oral evidence alone is not sufficient.
Price offered by a supplier/contractor for carrying out the works based upon a specification provided by the supplier/contractor
Price offered by a supplier/contractor for carrying out the works for based upon a specification prepared by a professional advisor