War Memorials Trust

VAT reclaim: MGS

The Memorials Grant Scheme returns as a grant the VAT incurred by charities or faith groups exempted from the need to register as charities in building, repairing or maintaining public memorial structures.

  • from 1st April 2012 there will be quarterly fixed budgets for the scheme and so payments will be made once a quarter.
  • the payable rate will depend on the value of eligible claims received in that quarter, with each claim attracting a fair pro-rata payment. The maximum grant payable in response to any application will be 20% of project costs.

Please see the website for further details www.gov.uk/guidance/applying-for-a-memorial-grant.

In regards to the assessment of grants administered by WMT, in terms of calculating eligible grant costs we will continue to assume that eligible applicants can reclaim their VAT costs under the scheme and therefore exclude VAT from eligible costs.  WMT is unable to increase grant awards if it is subsequently not possible to reclaim the full VAT.


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