War Memorials Trust

Showcase result


Town or City: Wolverhampton
County: West Midlands
Country: England
WMT Reference Number: WM2692

Value of grant: £2335.00
Type of memorial: Freestanding
Type of work: Conservation and repair
Grant scheme: Small Grants Scheme
Year: 2011

UKNIWM reference number: 17684

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Memorial following theft of plaques © Wolverhampton City Council, 2011Located opposite the entrance to the Church of St Thomas on Church Street in Wednesfield, this memorial is in the form of a landscaped memorial garden. Central to the garden is a mature willow tree that rises from a flower bed and bounded by a block-paved footpath. On the opposite side of the tree from the entrance to the garden the paved area is extended, on the edge of which is the war memorial of finished granite consisting of two rectangular blocks. On the inward face are mounted three bronze plaques; two on the upper plinth block – a square plaque above a rectangular plaque, and a large rectangular plaque on the lower block. 

In May 2011, the two largest plaques from the memorial were stolen. The plaques recorded the names of those from Wednesfield who died in both World Wars. A grant of £2,335 was offered through the Small Grants Scheme towards the casting and secure fixing of replacement bronze plaques. The patination and lettering of the plaques were matched to the remaining plaque and a protective layer of an appropriate microcrystalline wax was applied. Plaque mountings were of a non-ferrous metal. Taking the opportunity of this process, five names omitted from the Second World War plaque were added to the replacement. As part of the project SmartWater was applied to the war memorial through In Memoriam 2014 to provide further protection to the memorial.Memorial following replacement of stolen plaques © Wolverhampton City Council, 2012

There is little information regarding this memorial other than it replaced the original granite block and bronze plaque memorial in 2004.

The First World War commemorative plaque mounted on the lower plinth is engraved:

“In grateful memory of the men of Wednesfield
who laid down their lives in the Great War 1914-1918”
Followed by the names of those killed in this war.

The World War Two commemorative plaque, the upper of the two plaques on the top plinth is engraved:

“In grateful memory of the men of
Wednesfield who laid down their
lives in the Second World War
Followed by the names of those killed in this war.

The lower plaque on the top plinth is engraved:
“1939 - 45 1945
“continued onwards”
Beneath the relevant dates are the names commemorated accordingly.

Further information

War Memorials Trust reference WM2692
UK National Inventory of War Memorials: 17684

Wolverhampton City Council report on project: www.wolverhampton.gov.uk/council/news/2011/november/031111a.htm

If you have a concern about this memorial please contact the Trust on conservation@warmemorials.org

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