War Memorials Trust

Showcase result


Town or City: Leeds
County: West Yorkshire
Country: England
WMT Reference Number: WM2027

Value of grant: £
Type of memorial: Freestanding
Type of work: Conservation and repair
Grant scheme: English Heritage/Wolfson Foundation Grants
Year: 2009

UKNIWM reference number: 22164

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Meanwood war memorial © Meanwood Valley Partnership, 2009Meanwood war memorial is in the style of a shrine, composed of a stone base, oak boards on the side and rear elevations, with a slate roof. Inside the shrine is a 900mm crucifix and bronze figure of Christ, on the ceiling of the shrine are twelve bronze stars. The World War I inscriptions are carved into the oak boards behind the crucifix and a bronze plaque on the front of the memorial commemorates those killed in World War II. The memorial is located on Memorial Drive, and is Grade II listed.

In 2009, a grant of £4,785 was given through the Grants for War Memorials scheme towards a schedule of works for the memorial. These works included: the cleaning of the timber following cleaning tests and re-painting any lost paint to match the original, any defective joints for the stone were raked out and re-pointed with a hydraulic lime mortar mix to match the original in colour and texture, and cracks on the plaster ceiling were repaired. The bronze inscription plaque was cleaned with steam, and any corrosion was cleaned with non-ferrous brushes and wool.  Any ferrous fixings were removed and replaced with stainless steel, and the plaque was re-patinated if required; finally a microcrystalline wax was applied and buffed. The bronze Christ figure and stars were removed and the lacquer on them was also removed.  They were cleaned the same way as the bronze plaque, and finally re-patinated if required, and a microcrystalline wax was applied and buffed. The iron flag supports were cleaned, corrosion was removed, and they were re-painted to inhibit future corrosion.

Bronze figure of Christ and inscriptions before conservation © Meanwood Valley Partnership, 2008After World War I the Vicar of Meanwood Parish Church felt that there should be a memorial to the 48 Meanwood men who had been killed. A proposal for a Memorial Drive was approved; a field was purchased for this and the Memorial Drive was created in 1920. Major Rowley of Alder Hill, Meanwood, offered for a shrine to be placed on the Memorial Drive to contain the names of those killed and in memory of his nephew who was killed at Villers-Bretonneux on 24th April 1918. The architect for the memorial was Mr A. R. Powys, and the memorial was unveiled and dedicated on 12th August 1922 by the Lord Lieutenant of the West Riding of Yorkshire. After World War II, the bronze plaque was unveiled and dedicated on 21st May 1949.

The inscriptions on the memorial read:

‘To the glory of God
and in perpetual honour of the men of
this parish who fell in the Great War 1914-1918’

‘Forget not those who died that we might live
even so did Christ’

Bronze figure of Christ and inscriptions after conservation © Meanwood Valley Partnership, 2009The World War I names are listed.

The World War II inscription reads :

‘In proud and grateful memory of
F. Armitage
F. Ashe
E. Beck
J. Brown
W. W. Burn
J. Church
G. E. Dorrington
G. K. Downes
G. A. Farmery
R. N. Goodfield
R. C. Graham
R. W. Graham
C. Grey
F. W. Haydn
N. Higginson
C. T. Hunt
W. M. Jackson 
Bronze stars on ceiling before conservation © Meanwood Valley Partnership, 2008L. Jackson
D. James
D. Judson
G. Lister
C. Marshall
D. Marshall
H. A. Mawson
C. J. Moss
A. Pickering
N. S. Pinkney
B. Redman
J. A. Reece
L. Reed
K. S. Riley
C. Rissingham
A. Smart
G. Smart
D. Smith
L. L. Stirk
C. H. Stokell
C. N. Sutcliffe 
Bronze stars on ceiling after conservation © Meanwood Valley Partnership, 2009W. Thompson
F. Vollans
D. Waddington
J. Ward
J. Warwick
B. A. Welsh
J. W. Wilkinson
T. A. Wood

men of Meanwood
1939 1945' 

Further information

War Memorials Trust reference WM2027
UK National Inventory of War Memorials: 22164

If you have a concern about this memorial please contact the Trust on conservation@warmemorials.org

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