War Memorials Trust

Showcase result


Town or City: Birtley
County: Northumberland
Country: England
WMT Reference Number: WM1741

Value of grant: £860.00
Type of memorial: Freestanding
Type of work: Conservation and repair
Grant scheme: Small Grants Scheme
Year: 2007

UKNIWM reference number: 33785

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St. Giles Church, Birtley, war memorial © Birtley Parish Council 2007This is a Grade II memorial in a recess of the churchyard wall outside St Giles’ Churchyard, Birtley, Northumberland. It is a marble Latin cross on sandstone square plinth and stepped base. The shaft bears a relief of a wreath and slung rifle. The plinth has inscriptions to the fallen of World War one of the front elevation and World War Two on a side elevation.

The memorial has received multiple grants and the summary details of this record relate to the most recent grant.

In 2006 a grant of £100 was given towards a condition survey. The condition survey would help the Trust understand the condition of the memorial and whether or not it was in need of any restoration.

Following the results of the condition survey a further application was made and in 2007 War Memorials Trust gave a grant of £860 for works to steam clean the surfaces, replace missing letters and secure remaining ones, repoint defective joints and apply biocide to inhibit the growth of lichen.

The land for the memorial was given by the Duke of Northumberland in 1930. The memorial was built by Messrs. Beattie and Co. of Carlisle, and the memorial was dedicated by the Bishop of Newcastle in 1931.

The inscription on the memorial reads:

honour of
the men
from this Parish
who fell in the
Great War
1914 - 1918

The following names are then listed 

Bertram Allgood
Thomas Brown
John A. Charlton
John T. Hutchinson
Alexander Hutton
Thomas Lauderdale
William Milburn
William E. Robson
John G. Southern

On a side elevation of the memorial is the inscription

1939 – 1945
John L. Smith

Further information

War Memorials Trust reference WM1741
UK National Inventory of War Memorials: 33785

North East War Memorials Project B34.01

If you have a concern about this memorial please contact the Trust on conservation@warmemorials.org

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