Showcase result
Town or City: Edinburgh
County: Edinburgh
Country: Scotland
WMT Reference Number: WM787
Value of grant: £250.00
Type of memorial: Freestanding
Type of work: Adding and/or correcting inscriptions/names
Grant scheme: Small Grants Scheme
Year: 2002
UKNIWM reference number: 53631
Newtongrange war memorial is a stone column carrying an inscription. Two seperate stones carry names and are set in a garden which surrounds the memorial.
In 2002, a grant of £250 was made to clean and repair the memorial as well as adding names which were missing.
The inscription on the pillar reads:
"To the memory
of the lads
from this parish
who fell in the
Great War
1914 1918
World War II
1939 1946
Their name
liveth for
Erected by the Women’s Section
of the British Legion"
The inscription on the left-hand plaque reads:
"World War I
Andrew P. Allan. RAMC. Andrew McGibbon. BW.
James Allan. RS. David McLaren. RS.
George Aitken. CH. Alexander McIntosh. CH.
Robert Barton. HLI. Frank Orr. RIR.
Adam D. Bartie. ASC. W. G. Park. LS.
John Bartie. RS. Alexander Peggie. HC.
George Brown. GH. William Patterson. KOSB.
Robert Borthwick. AUS. INF. David Pryde. RFA.
John Brough. KOYLI. Robert Pryde. SG.
William Cameron. RS. William Pryde. GH.
Robert Carson. GH. Klemis Poliskis. SR.
James Clark. ASH. James Purves. GH.
William Clark. SG. John Purves. CH.
John Cornwall. RS. John Reid. RS.
Richard Cornwall. CH. Alexander Robertson. RS.
Walter Cornwall. KOSB. Gordon Robertson. RW.
John Cooper. RN. James Rutherford. KOSB.
William Corral. KOSB. J. Sanalitas. KOSB.
Thomas Douglas. RS. Stanaslaw Scortolskis. RA.
George Fair. RS. William P. Simpson. RFA.
George H. Forbes. RS. Alexander Sharp. GH.
William Hare. RS. Lt. Robert R. Smith. MGC.
Walter Hogg. RM. Samuel Smith. RS.
Robert Hamilton. QOCH. George Sneddon. SG.
William Jack. RS. John Syme. PAOH.
Alexander Kerr. RDF. Alexander Telfer. CH.
Robert Kerr. RS. George Thomson. SG.
John T. Lockhart. AUS. INF. William B. J. Thomson. RE.
Henry E. Ledingham. RE. Justinas Tutlis. RS.
George Lothian. GH. David Tracey. GH.
Peter Lothian. RS. William Tracey. SG.
Alexander Meek. HLI. Richard Walkingshaw. RFA.
John Moffat. RS. John Williamson. CH.
James Moffat. RS. William S. Wilson. HLI.
James Moffat. RNR. William J. Wood. RFA.
Archibald Moore. GH. David Wright. BW.
Andrew Morris. SH. Frank Young. BW.
Vasiliy Nikitenko. MM. RGA."
The inscription on the right-hand plaque reads:
"World War II
John A. Allan. RAF. David Hamilton. RAAF.
James M. Beveridge. RA. David Hunter. RN.
William H. Bonsor. RAOC. Alexander Hunter. SH.
Alex Burnett. SH. James F Hughes. SG.
William C. Campbell. QOCH. George G. Johnston. CSR.
Hector C. Clark. ASH. John Livingstone. SH.
John S. Coleman. RSF. Robert Y. Moffat. RAOC.
Edward B. Dick. GH. Thomas C. Moffat. RN.
W. R. Dickson. FMS. Peter J. McLeod. ASH.
William Dodds. RE. John B. Paxton. MN.
Harold Finlay. MN. Nicol Peacock. SG.
James C. Forrest. RN. George W. Raper. MN.
Ronald Fraser. KOSB. William A. Scott. RN.
Charles M. Gowrie. RASC. Archie Thomson. RE.
Andrew Haldane. MN. Hugh Whitehead. RNPS.
Brodie D. Haldane. RAF. Andrew D. Wilson. RSF.
Robert Hails. HLI. William S. E. Wilson. RN.
John Hadden. RS. David Trist. RN.
And all other appropriate theatres of war
William Burnett. CH. 1957
John Aikman. R.SIG. 1973
John H. Pearson. SG. 1976
'We will remember them'"
Further information
War Memorials Trust reference WM787
UK National Inventory of War Memorials: 53631
If you have a concern about this memorial please contact the Trust on