War Memorials Trust

Showcase result


Town or City: Edderton
Country: Scotland
WMT Reference Number: WM3998

Value of grant: £10820.00
Type of memorial: Freestanding
Type of work: Conservation and repair
Grant scheme: Centenary Memorials Restoration Fund
Year: 2016

UKNIWM reference number: 00000

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Edderton war memorial obelisk cEdderton County Council, 2017The memorial is located at the junction with Station Road, Edderton, Scotland.
Composed of granite, an obelisk shaft is set on chamfered plinth atop a three tiered rough stone base.  The memorial is set by a short stone boundary wall and fronted by a low iron railing.  The names of those from the village who fell in World War l are inscribed on the body of the plinth, while a later stone plaque has been added to the principal elevation of the memorial and displays the names of those who fell in World War ll.  A much smaller stone insert bears the name of an individual who lost his life during the Korean War.

In 2016 a grant of £10,820 was offered for repair and conservation work. The existing pointing of the memorial (and boundary wall), some of which had been subjected to cement repairs, was failing, potentially allowing water ingress.  The masonry had attracted considerable biological growth and dirt.

To address these issues the failed mortar was carefully raked out and then re-pointed using a lime mortar. Organic growth has been carefully removed using wooden tools and the masonry cleaned using natural bristle brushes and water.  Defective paint has been removed from the incised inscriptions and then infilled using black enamel paint.

Further information

War Memorials Trust reference WM3998
UK National Inventory of War Memorials: 54548

War Memorials Online: 151754

If you have a concern about this memorial please contact the Trust on conservation@warmemorials.org

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