War Memorials Trust

Showcase result

Devonvale Mills

Town or City: Tillicoultry
County: Clackmannanshire
Country: Scotland
WMT Reference Number: WM5273

Value of grant: £11210.00
Type of memorial: Freestanding
Type of work: Conservation and repair
Grant scheme: Centenary Memorials Restoration Fund
Year: 2016

UKNIWM reference number: 6027

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Devonvale Mills war memorial cWMT, 2016Devondale Mills is a concave stone wall, which displays a kneeling, weeping winged victory holding a sword and wreath. There are memorial gates on either side. It is located on Moss Road in Tillicoultry, Clackmannanshire. It commemorates the fallen of World War II.

In 2016, a grant of £11,210 was offered for repair and conservation work. The existing pointing was failing, potentially allowing water ingress. The failed mortar, some of which was inappropriate cement, was carefully raked out and then re-pointed using a lime mortar. The stone had considerable biological growth and dirt which was carefully removed using wooden tools and it was then cleaned using natural bristle brushes and water. Some of incised lettering had lost legibility so it was deepened and sharpened using hand tools. Around the memorial defective and loose mortar from the paving and step joints was picked out, the stone steps were lifted, relayed and rebidded with an appropriate mortar. The flaking paint and corrosion of the metal gates have been carefully cleaned with wire wool and then repainted with enamel to match the existing colours. 

Devonvale Mills war memorial cClackmannanshire Council, 2017




The memorial is by Pilkington Jackson and believed to have been dedicated in 1949.


Further information

War Memorials Trust reference WM5273
UK National Inventory of War Memorials: 6027

War Memorials Online: 224010

Clackmannanshire Council: Devondale Mills

If you have a concern about this memorial please contact the Trust on conservation@warmemorials.org

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