War Memorials Trust

Showcase result


Town or City: Linton-in-Craven
County: North Yorkshire
Country: England
WMT Reference Number: WM858

Value of grant: £250.00
Type of memorial: Non-Freestanding
Type of work: Works to hard landscape
Grant scheme: Small Grants Scheme
Year: 2002

UKNIWM reference number: 29665

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Linton-in-Craven war memorial cross © Dr M. Charlton, 2010The war memorial in the village of Linton-in-Craven in the Yorkshire Dales is situated at the entrance to the churchyard of St Michael and All Angels. It is within a walled area on three sides, the fourth side of the enclosure being constructed of metal railings. The memorial consists of a stone cross on a pillar on a plinth, which itself rests on a plinth and then a two-stepped base.

In June 2002 War Memorials Trust made a grant of £250 towards work to re-laying the flagstones within the area dedicated to the memorial and to provide of a set of rails at the base of the memorial to retain wreaths.

On the higher plinth on the front face of the memorial are inscribed the names

Pte Reginald Douthwaite
L/ Cpl Edward Gilbert MM CH
Cpn Edwin Harker REME
Sgt John H. Harker RAF
Dr Fred Longthorne RASC
WO Claude Smaxfield RAF
Salute the brave who gave
their all for us
Pte James W. Pickles PC
Pte John R. Pickles GH
CSM Alfred Stubbs RE
Lt John B Sturgeon DSC RNVR
F/ Lt William A. Tetley DFC RAF
Sgt Alfred Waterworth RAF

Linton-in-Craven war memorial cross © Dr M. Charlton, 2010On the lower plinth are the dates 1914 – 1919 within a carved laurel wreath, and on either side of this the inscribed dates 1939 and 1945.

On the back face of the plinth are the words

 Greater love hath no man than this

Some of the other names inscribed on the memorial are

Pte Herbert Blakey TR
Pte Robert Bownas EYR
Pte William Burley DWR
Pte William G Campbell AIF
Pte Christopher Chapman DWR
Pte Jack Chapman ASC
Pte Raymond Chapman NVDR
Pte Maurice R. Crowther LPR
2nd Lieut Norman Crowther 3rd CR
Cpl Tom Duckett 8th NSR
Artl Cpl Richard J Ebdell RE
Sig Clifton Emmott DWR
Sgt Romille Harker KLR
L/Cpl Phillip G Holmes AIF
Capt. Robert C. Perks DSO DWR
Pte Thomas Whitehead DWR
Pte Benjamin Beaumont SFR

The memorial was unveiled in May 1921 by the Bishop of Bradford.

Further information

War Memorials Trust reference WM858
UK National Inventory of War Memorials: 29665

If you have a concern about this memorial please contact the Trust on conservation@warmemorials.org

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