War Memorials Trust

Showcase result

Therfield Clock

Town or City: Therfield
County: Hertfordshire
Country: England
WMT Reference Number: WM6114

Value of grant: £1607.00
Type of memorial: Non-Freestanding
Type of work: Conservation and repair
Grant scheme: Small Grants Scheme
Year: 2013

UKNIWM reference number: 22621

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Therfield war memorial clock © Therfield PC, 2013The war memorial consists of a memorial clock which is accompanied by two marble plaques within the church, one of which is a dedication to the men of Therfield who fought in World War I and the other of which lists the names of those who were killed in action.

In 2013 War Memorials Trust offered a grant of £1,607 towards necessary repairs to the clock face and dials. This involved re-painting them using a gold leaf and re-fixing the clock face which was coming away from the tower. Finally, SmartWater solution was applied to the memorial clock.

The memorial was erected in 1919, designed by clockmaker Mr Potts of Leeds and was unveiled on 08th February 1920 by Revd H R Humphrey.Therfield war memorial clock © Therfield PC, 2013

Further information

War Memorials Trust reference WM6114
UK National Inventory of War Memorials: 22621

War Memorials Online: 161614

If you have a concern about this memorial please contact the Trust on conservation@warmemorials.org

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