War Memorials Trust

Showcase result

Willesden bus garage

Town or City: Willesden
County: Greater London
Country: England
WMT Reference Number: WM3888

Value of grant: £1836.00
Type of memorial: Non-Freestanding
Type of work: Restoration
Grant scheme: Small Grants Scheme
Year: 2010

UKNIWM reference number: 11012

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The memorial following replacement © Metroline Travel Ltd, 2011Willesden Bus Garage on Willesden High Road in the London Borough of Brent has a war memorial plaque constructed of marble dedicated to the staff from the Garage who died in World War I. The memorial is fixed to a listed building.

In 2010 War Memorials Trust offered £1,836 towards the cost of replacement of the memorial. During works to the bus depot the memorial was damaged as it fell off the wall and shattered. A like-for-like replacement was commissioned to ensure those remembered by the memorial continue to be commemorated. A like-for-like replacement respects the design chosen by those who commissioned the memorial to remember their colleagues. The replacement memorial matches the original in materials, size, design and inscriptions and is fixed in the original location. All fixings used were non-ferrous and with appropriate resin; no cement was used in attaching the memorial as it is an inappropriate material in this situation.

The original memorial was made by T.J. Jordan and Sons.

The memorial reads:

“1914 1918
Erected by the staff of
Willesden Garage
to honour the memory of their fellow workers
who gave their lives in the Great War” 

This is followed by the names of those killed, including F. Kreppell who was killed in an air raid. The bottom of the memorial reads:

“No greater honour hath man than he
who gave his life for his country.”

Further information

War Memorials Trust reference WM3888
UK National Inventory of War Memorials: 11012

War Memorials Online

If you have a concern about this memorial please contact the Trust on conservation@warmemorials.org

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